Happy April Fools’ Day
BUT Do Not Be Fooled By Your Employees.
Do you know what your employees are doing on your business computers.
They're probably Surfing, Watching YouTube Videos.
At worst, they could be steering your company toward financial ruin.
It will be my pleasure to show how to keep an eye on employee website activity and monitor your company computers with iMonitorSoft product.
iMonitor EAM is a top-level all-in-one centralized employee computer monitoring software designed for enterprises, education orgs and governments.
All-in-One Solution, iMonitor EAM provides unmatched visibility in the online communication activities of employees and contractors. iMonitor EAM is the system of record.Presenting detailed, accurate, and actionable data for incident response, high-risk insider monitoring, and productivity reporting, record every employee computer activities. All events in one solution, iMonitor EAM aims to maximize the value of every employee and to improve their productivity.
Record Internet Activity, iMonitor EAM supports all mainstream Browser, which can monitor all internet related activities, include: visited websites, instant messages/chat, sent/received email, webmail, online searches, online downloads, accessed URLs, Skype file transfer, FTP file transfer, online storage, network traffic monitoring & statistics, etc.
Record Computer Activity, All computer's activities would be recorded by iMonitor EAM, such as computer power on/off; the specific application usage; print job records; removable devices like USB stick, CD-ROM usage; file activities(creat, move, delete, etc); hardware and Software asset; IP address; clipboard usage; auto-run Item; etc. It will help you know better about your employee, especially for LAN based company.
File Encryption, iMonitor EAM is able to transparent encrypt the files. When the files were sent out, it is directly encrypted at the driver layer to guarantee all sent out files are ciphertexts. The encrypted files can be used normally on all computers in the company with EAM client with encryption enabled, but on the computer without EAM installed or encryption disabled. There will show messy code, which is enssure the data won't be revealed.
iMonitor 365 is cloud based, it is a real-time monitoring solution which allows you to monitor remote computers from anywhere and anytime. And it is very easy to use, you only need to install agent program on target computer and login web console to check logs.
Target Client, The target clients of iMonitor 365 are basically small and medium enterprises. We can quickly and efficiently provide you the key information you need, and help you to increase employees' productivity.
Easy to Install, iMonitor 365 just need one agent program installed on target computer, and the installation is simple. With online console can maximumly simplify the monitoring process. No need the extra IP address setting.
Extensive Reporting and Monitoring, iMonitor 365 can collect the general online and local computer internet activities reports and it can be saved daily, weekly, monthly. Also, it can monitor the target computer in real-time and display as live desktop.
There are also iMonitor WorkAuditor, iMonitor Keylogger, iMonitor Mac keylogger,
For more information, Please come to our HomePage www.imonitorsoft.com.
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