
Showing posts from May, 2021

Is there any way to monitor employee computers?

Nowadays, we cannot work without computer in the daily work. Employee use the computer to trading stocks, downloading online games and videos which bring the following troubles to enterprises: Browse unsafe websites and open unsafe links; Download files with viruses or Non-work-related software Upload confidential documents and leaks on the Internet... How should enterprises deploy management software? Real-time monitoring employees screen, and record the computer screen images of employees, so that every move of the employees can be observed. It can be set to alarm the manager when the copied file is taken away. The alarm function allows managers to discover the bad behaviors of employees in the first time, and kill these illegal operations and malicious behaviors in the cradle. Is there any way to monitor employee computers? It’s an effective way to achieve reasonable management and control of company computers by deploy employee desktop live viewer software....

How to monitor your employee’s computer at any time?

What are your employee doing when you are not at office? Do they work hard or hardly working? Who is playing games?Who is online shopping?And who is watching videos? You must be curious about all the things. And how to check those details secretly? With iMonitor 365 employee monitoring system , you can monitor employee's PC activity easily. You just need to install an agent on employee's computer, then you can login the web console to check all the details of your employee. Since it's cloud based, so you can view the logs at anywhere, such as in another cities, in other countries, even at home. Especially when you are on a business trip, which will be very important for you to monitor the employee’s computer activities during this time. Except for screenshots, keylogger online , remote desktop, website visited …, iMonitor 365 can also generate various of dashboard for you check employee's work productivity, with the dashboard, you can see who work hard, who spend much t...

How to control your company workstation?

 As a manager, how do you manage your employees' computer behavior? During work time, some employees chat online, play video game, download video, shopping online, network crashes often, computer often catches a virus and causes a lot of problems… All these problems are caused by employees’ irregular Internet behavior. Therefore, the company's LAN network needs scientific and reasonable management and control urgently. I believe that you are no stranger about Computer monitoring software . How to manager your computers in the LAN? Remote work monitoring software can not only control, monitor and remotely operate employees’ online behavior, monitor employees’ computer behavior, such as playing games, online shopping, accessing illegal links, downloading software. E mployee monitoring software can prohibit employees from accessing specific links, record chat content, record U disk usage, prohibit downloading certain programs, manager files remotely. It can ...

How to improve employee work efficiency?

How to improve employee work efficiency? According to the survey, most employees process their private affairs during work time. Watching videos, chatting, online shopping, etc. Firstly, when employees watch videos, it will inevitably greatly affect their work efficiency; meantime it will take up a lot of bandwidth and affect the network speed of the entire enterprise. Although many companies are trying to impose restrictions on this kind of behavioral, but effects are not obvious. This makes employees have the fluke mind. It's a headache for all company management. Therefore, although many companies clearly stipulate that they should not engage in non-work-related behaviors during work, they are often in vain and lack effective supervision and enforcement of employees' uncontrolled online behavior. Improving employee work efficiency and improving the company's network environment are major issues faced by every enterprise. How to improve the staff's office efficiency? ...

Do you trust your employee?

  Do you trust your employee? I think most Boss will say no. Employee come from different places and have different background. Some of them are in a position of trust within the enterprise, however, the access to some or all of the company’s sensitive network assets is cause for concern. Consequently, these individuals are in what may be defined as “high-risk” positions. So it's hard for the boss to manage this kind of person. The individuals in these high-risk positions are necessarily entrusted with access to valuable network assets – and most of these individuals perform their regular duties with loyalty and dedication to the company, but some may leak the data to other company. Therefore, it's very important for the boss to install  employee screen monitoring software  on those supervisor's computer, such as iMonitor EAM. After the installation, you can check all the computer’s activities at any time, which including the screenshot,keystrokes, live desktop, website v...

How to monitor your computer workstation?

The computer took us into the information ages in the 21 centuries, Most company's work have already not got away from the help of computer. Computers have improved our lives, but they have brought problems, too. In addition to office work, most employees will go to online shopping, video games, YouTube, etc. In this situation, even if the company installs surveillance camera, it is impossible to monitor all the computer screen, this may Especially for large firms with hundreds employees, it is a big problem. You can find many ways on the market. After researching, we found that the most effective way is to install employee tracking software on the computers. I believe many people have heard of camera surveillance, but computer tracking software is rarely understood. After consulting the information, I discovered that many domestic companies have entered the market and launched a variety of software. Now, Let's take a quick look at the details of th...

Powerful Monitoring Software for Mac

There are many software for computer monitoring. But most of them just support Windows system, they don't support Mac OS system. How to find a Mac monitoring software is very import for those people. Most people choose Mac Keylogger as their Mac Monitoring Software because of its powerful function. It can track all the activities of the target computer, including keystrokes, screenshots, web visit logs and so on. Parents and schools often use Mac Monitoring Software to make sure their children’s safety online. As far as we know, children usually visit sites, download viruses inadvertently all just out of their great sheer curiosity. MacKeylogger can help them monitor their children’s view online at any time. In addition, with MacKeylogger, the boss can check what the employee is doing on the computer. And who spend much time on the work, who spend time browse website or playing games. With those statistics, the boss can take measures to improve employee's working producti...

Como escolher um bom software de monitoramento?

Com tantos software de monitoramento PC no mercado, a escolha de um adequado é muito importante para o líder / chefe. Aqui estão algumas instruções para sua referência, por favor, verifique-as abaixo. 1. Quantos computadores você monitorará? Primeiro, você precisa saber quantos computadores você monitorará no total? Uma vez que alguns softwares têm a quantidade mínima de compra, como 5 ou 10. Mas você só tem um computador para monitorar, então não há necessidade de comprar este. Se você está procurando software para sua empresa, pode considerá-lo. 2. Esses computadores estão na mesma rede ou não? Se todos os computadores estiverem na mesma rede, sugerimos que você use o software local, como o iMonitor EAM. Todos os logs serão salvos em seu servidor local, e você pode verificar os logs de histórico no futuro. Se o computador de destino estiver em uma rede diferente, como trabalhar em casa, você pode usar a nuvem (iMonitor 365). Este software é baseado em nuvem, o que permite monitor...

Como monitorar o funcionário que trabalha em casa?

Devido à pandemia Covid-19, muitas empresas arranjaram seus funcionários para trabalhar em casa, e como saber a produtividade do funcionário, isso é uma questão. Como você não trabalha no mesmo escritório como de costume, nunca saberá o que eles estão fazendo no horário de trabalho. alguns funcionários podem jogar ou assistir TV durante o horário de trabalho. É uma perda de dinheiro para a empresa. Devemos agir para pará-lo. Com o iMonitor 365, você pode monitorar o computador do funcionário em qualquer lugar. O iMonitor 365 é baseado em nuvem, você só precisa instalar o programa do agente no computador de destino, então você pode fazer o login no console da web para verificar os detalhes. Área de trabalho ao vivo: O iMonitor 365 suporta monitoramento de desktop ao vivo, você pode verificar o que o computador de destino está fazendo. Além disso, também oferecemos suporte ao monitoramento de tela múltipla, o que é uma grande diferença em relação a outros softwares de monitoramento ...

How to choose a good monitoring software?

With so many monitoring software on the market, how to choose a proper one is very important for the leader/boss. Here are some instructions for your reference, please check it below. 1.How many computers will you monitor? First, you need to know how many computers will you monitor in total? Since some software has the minimum purchase quantity, such as 5 or 10. But you only have one computer to monitor, so there’s no need to purchase this one.If you are looking software for your company, then you can consider it. 2.Are these computers in the same network or not? If all the computers are in the same network, then suggest you to use the local based software, such as iMonitor EAM. All the logs will saved on your local server, and you can check the history logs in the future. If the target computer in the different network, such as working from home, then you can use the cloud one(iMonitor 365). This software is cloud based, which allows you to monitor the target computer at anywhere. ...